It's true.... March is here and true to form, they are forecasting strong winds tomorrow. Isn't there a cliche saying... something about March winds??? Or am I just making that up?? (grin)
Ok... let's see... where did we last leave off? Oh yes... I was up to my eyeballs in coming and going from TUTS auditions. Unbelievable turnout this year... we had 305 people in total come out to audition for both summer shows -- Annie and Thoroughly Modern Millie. Last year, we thought we had a good turnout for Annie Get Your Gun and Jesus Christ Superstar with a total of 226. It just goes to show there is no shortage of musical theatre talent in our fair city. Mind you, that shouldn't come as any surprise when you think of two of the best Musical Theatre programs this city has to offer... Capilano University's 3 year Musical Theatre program (soon to be a 4 year program) and Langara's Studio 58. But, I digress... the turnout and talent was great and I have no idea how either production team is going to pick their casts... but the one thing that is certain, both casts should be incredibly strong. Heck, with the talent that came out, I think they could have probably easily have cast both shows two or three times over!
Anywho... it will be nice to have my evenings back for awhile... to do normal social type things. There are a lot of shows that are opening in the near future and I'd like to get out to see them all -- Cap U's "Threepenny Opera"; Patrick Street Productions "The Full Monty", a workshop reading of a new Canadian musical called "Technical Difficulties" and a fundraiser Cabaret "St. Paddy's Candlelight Cabaret" at the Carousel large Studio space. Hahaha... all of the above are in the next week or so. And I sure wouldn't mind taking in a movie or two since it's been absolute ages since I last saw a movie.
Hehehe... well, this weekend marked our "Girl's Night" where 4 of us gal pals got together downtown and stayed the night in a hotel and didn't worry about having to drive anywhere. Marilyn and her hubby, Doug came over from the island, Peggy from Langley, Audrey from Maple Ridge and moi, from the West End :) Doug joined us later when he got back from Langley... by then, he was taking his life in his hands (grin). Peggy introduced us all to "Chocolate Martinis". Now despite the fact they must have been close to 6000 calories per martini glass, these little gems were extremely tasty!! I'm not sure exactly how she made them but they consisted of Vodka, Godiva's White Chocolate liqueur, Bailey's and ice... shaken and then poured into martini glasses that have been artistically decorated with chocolate sauce ;) Did I mention that they are somewhat potent??? Here are a few pictures after a couple of these delicious beverages:

Now... I did take more pictures but, for some reason they are all very fuzzy or blurry. Was this the camera or operator error???
I'm not sure what time we eventually went to bed... I think it was around 2:30am or ... at least that's when we headed to our room which was next door to Marilyn and Doug's room. But then Peggy wasn't tired ... so she started banging on the wall between us and Doug/Marilyn. Hahaha... if Peggy isn't going to sleep, then NO ONE is going to... and all we could do was laugh!! I'm only hoping there was no one else on our floor :)
We all did finally fall asleep... and up at around 8am. Then we went for a lovely breakfast down at the restaurant in the hotel... and then it was time for us all to go our separate ways. What a fun night with great friends!!
I have to admit... I did cheat! When I got home, I had a long afternoon nap with Bridget who did just fine without me coming home last night. She had her Auntie Toby from across the hall who took her out on her walks, both the late afternoon and the late evening ... plus she fed her and checked in on her. Bridget was fine. She is used to coming with me or being left at home... so she can pretty much handle anything. She is not used to me NOT coming home, but when I got home, she was out on her morning walk with Toby... and when they got home, I was there so her routine wasn't really all that different :)
Ok... it is after midnight, so time for me to crawl into bed. It sure is nice to have this mild weather we are having this weekend. I have both the living room window and my bedroom window open and I love having the fresh air in the apartment with out being freezing :)
Sooooo... hope all is going well in everyone else's world! I have no new complaints and I'm feeling great!!!
Hey Cher, I was just thinking to myself yesterday when I got chilled by the wind here 'yep, it's "March - comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". Is that the cliche you were thinking of?
Great news about the bone scan (your last post, I am behind in everything!), though I know as well as anyone just how much arthritis sucks, it beats the alternatives, as they say! ;)
Now, I do worry when you push yourself QUITE so hard. So, Good Job on the staying home. You are probably incapable of vegging out, truly, so working from home a little is a great compromise.
Wish Rogue and I could come walk Bridget, I just know those two Schnauzers of ours would be fast friends. :)
Hey Cheryl,
It's sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
I've never had a chocolate martini, shoot, I've never had a martini. lol I'll have to give it a try.
Have a good evening.
Hugs, Maryann
If you retire Feb. 1, then its a good thing the city will have 12 days to recover from the party for the Olympics! ;)
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